An extensive Programming Wiki by Alejandro Rios, featuring diverse online, university & self-learning courses for developers. Where I share all my learning process. 🚀

About me

Currently majoring in Computer Science at EAFIT University, proficient in Python and C++, I possess the skills to analyze and solve a wide range of problems, contributing effectively to diverse projects.

Embracing a passion for continuous learning, I constantly seek opportunities to explore new technologies and expand my knowledge portfolio.

GitHub Profile

alejoriosm04 - Overview

LinkedIn Profile

My Projects

Flask web app version of EAFIT University map.

whereafit - Go from a to b

A Python-based syntax analyzer for CFG`s.

A movie review website built with the MEVN Stack.

Technical Test Data Analysis 2023-1 - NOVA EAFIT 💜🚀

Documentation 🧠

Command Line


Terminal y Línea de Comandos

Git - GitHub

Set-up your development environment on WSL as a pro


Programming Languages




Carbon Language

Haskell **

SQL (Structured Query Language) **



Web Development

Desarrollo Web

Django **

Simple Laravel

Web 3.0

Ethereum Developer Pack

Computer Science

Algoritmos y Lógica

Fundamentos de Ingeniería de Software

Azure DevOps

Data Science - GDSC Project

Microsoft Azure

Useful Data 😎

Developer Resources

Design Resources


University 🧑‍💻

GitHub University Repository

1st Semester

Principios de Desarrollo de Software

2nd Semester

Estructura de Datos y Algoritmos I

Lenguajes de Programación

3rd Semester

Bases de Datos

Estructura de Datos y Algoritmos II

Electrónica Digital

4th Semester

Ingeniería de Software

Teoria de la Conmutación

Teoría de la Organización

5th Semester

Pensamiento Sistémico

Sistemas de Información

6th Semester

Organización de Computadores


Tóp. Espec. Ing. de Software

Ingeniería Económica

7th Semester

Estadística General

Sistemas Operativos