<aside> 🙌 This will be my first documentation project where I write entirely in English. Made by Alejandro Ríos-Muñoz


Carbon Language

A programming language in development phase, created by Google in 2022. This programming language promise to be the precursor of C++. In the Github documentation, you will find the reasons to be experimental successor of C++.

At the moment, this programming language does not provide a compiler to work with the language. However, you have to download all the programming language and use different tools to use the interpreter provided.

Set-Up Development Environment

1. Homebrew

You will need Homebrew for install different tools. Homebrew is a package manager. To check if you already have installed on your computer run:

brew --version

Otherwise, you can install it on macOS, Linux and WSL.

2. Bazel

Bazel is an open-source build and test tool that supports multi-language and multi-platform projects. This will be the standard build system of Carbon, according to the documentation.

Run to install Bazel:

brew install bazelisk


This is a low-level virtual machine, used to compile and link Carbon as part of its build.

Run to install LLVM:

brew install llvm

4. Clone Carbon Language

On your appropriate folder, download the Carbon Language code locally, cloning the Github repository.