This document contains relevant information about developing in Laravel. It provides precise details to help you recall necessary actions quickly. All this information is based on the book "Practical Laravel" by Daniel Correa & Paola Vallejo.

<aside> 👉 Laravel is an opinionated framework, meaning it comes pre-packaged with most components needed to build an application. It provides a defined project structure, architecture, and a vast array of libraries and helpers for tasks like database management, authentication, and web session handling. This allows developers to rapidly implement web applications. However, this can lead to less optimal performance and a potentially overwhelming number of folders and files.

On the other hand, unopinionated frameworks like Express, a Node.js framework, offer limited functionality and don't define a project structure or architecture. While this approach can improve performance, it requires the web developer to make many critical decisions, such as defining the application architecture, and manage the inclusion of third-party libraries, like those for database connection and management.


composer create-project laravel/laravel onlineStore "9.*" --prefer-dist
php artisan serve


Composer is a dependency manager for projects programmed with PHP.

That means that it allows us to manage (declare, download and keep updated) the software packages on which our PHP project is based.
